Between Male & Female African Grey Parrots
Although it’s not very easy to distinguish between male and female African grey parrots but you can still try to differ between them after reading these 6 differences. The best way to determine the sex of the bird is DNA Sexing.
Male African Grey Parrot
Female African Grey Parrot
1- Male African Grey Parrots are usually larger. They are almost 12-14 inches in height. | 1- Female African Grey Parrots are usually smaller and their height is less than 12-14 inches. |
2- Male African Grey Parrots have smaller neck than female. Their head is small and flattered. | 2- Female African Grey Parrots have longer neck. They have larger and rounded head. |
3- The body of male African grey parrot is somewhat rounded. | 3- The body of female African Grey Parrot is elliptical and slender. |
4- The tail feathers of the male African Grey Parrot will be fully red in color. | 4- The female African Grey parrot’s tail feathers are also red, but they will possess silver hues. |
5- The underside of feathers the Male African Grey Parrots will be dark Gray. | 5- The underside of feathers the Female African Grey Parrots will be light Gray. |
6- Male African Grey parrots have eye patches that have pointed ends. | 6- Female African Grey parrots have eye patches that are rounded. |
Another layman method to determine the sex/gender of your African grey parrots is the live comparison of your parrot with a parrot with know sex. Suppose you have a parrot with unknown sex and your friend has a male parrot. Simply put both of the parrots infront of you and compare them. If your parrot is similar to the male parrots then your parrots is male otherwise it’s female.
Update: After a good research we found a picture of a African Grey pair with DNA tested and know sexes. The owner posted a good picture to compare male and female African Grey parrots.
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